MIS41020 - When Collections of Creatives Become Creative Collectives: A field study of problem solving at work
Module - Design, Development and Creativity
Class or Article - Article
Lesson or Name - WHargadon, A. B. & Bechky, B. A.
(2006) When Collections of Creatives
Become Creative Collectives: A field
study of problem solving at work.
Additional Info - 484-500
Having studied design, design thinking and creativity and innovation I have always been open to asking for help even when it is not apart of the culture. And in turn I have then been the recipient of being asked for help as people seen me as open. I find it extraordinarily counter productive that companies do not actively encourage asking for help and should actually promote it. There is a tendency in organisations such as consultancy or technology companies not to ask for information or help as it reflects on your knowledge, but there needs to be an acceptance that one person can not know everything. Equally creating a culture of people helping one another is way of companies achieving mass dissemination of knowledge, improving knowledge share and in turn increasing efficiencies. However as Hargadon and Bechky discuss it is the reinforcement of that to engrain it deep in the the culture of the business and put it at the centre of their DNA. Creating an open environment where colleagues are will to ask for help and provide assistance creates a much more collaborative and creative environment. Additionally it also provides clarity on where people and projects are at.
The saying two heads are better than one, comes to mind.
Also so did this image, when we are pulling in different directions the desired outcome is not achieved, however when we stop and work collaboratively both sides can achieve their desired outcome and benefit.
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