MIS41020 - Organization Design to Organization Designing

Module - Design, Development and Creativity
Class or Article - Article
Lesson or Name - Yoo, Y. et al (2006) From Organization Design to Organization Designing
Additional Info -  484-500
Image result for organizational design


In this Article "From Organization Design to Organization Designing" by Yoo, Y. et al present the idea that managers need to move away from organisational design and develop their ability to construct new organisational forms. This is highlighted thought the use of a Gestalt. A Gestalt is a pattern of elements that is created as a whole and that each element making up the Gestalt cannot derived the Gestalt on its own. Researching over a number of different  projects over the space of 3 years Yoo et al were able to conclude findings. Designing products and designing organisations are one in the same, they are a design gestalt. an organisation design suggests that introducing  a design gestalt in to an organisation can create a constant flow of unique ideas. Yoo et all accept in line with Gehry that designing can never be fully realised and that is the same for organisational design.


Organisational design is something I have always struggled to grasp. I can understand the construct of business but I could never understand how someone could determine all the skills and levels one would need. Surely the mature organisations we look to today have been developed iterately over time. Again as time and technology changes I am sure this equally had a profound effect on the organisation design of such institutions.

I have worked recently on an organisation design with a large team and it seemed that benchmarking was the desired method of aligning numbers and understanding design, however this might not be accurate. Environments, culture and maturity are things that can be overlooked. That is why a Gestalt approach I find quiet interesting.Designing organisations is hard and in effect the design creatures the enviroment and culture each person will work within and that is why an iterative design approach to organisational designing is more desireable that organisation design. The pursuit of perfection is never finished and as technology, education and skills all change organisations will need to learn to adapt and adapt quick.

