MIS41020 - Software development teams.Communications of the ACM

Module - Design, Development and Creativity
Class or Article - Article
Lesson or Name - Sawyer, S. (2004) Software development teams. Communications of the ACM, 47, 95 - 99
Additional Info - 95-99
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Precis / My Notes

Steve Sawyer presents 3 different development team archtypes, sequential, group and network. Sawyer displays benefits to all 3 archtypes and presents that each archtype has a place and threre is an element of progression to move from one to another. a collaboration method where you take element of all 3 seems to be the most effective of all, allowing specialism within a group driving towards an outcomes and furthermore to network. This champions solving the issue though communication and action for the greater good of the group and users. In all scenarios there is a place for contribution of each style, however depending on the outcome desired and the style of development team, the mixture and contribution of each archtype may change.

Sequential Archtype - Process led and task driven based on structured effort and known tasks

Group Archtype - Focus on process-to-product development. Software development is based on predefined tasks built on the collective skills and weaknesses of the group

Network Archtype - Product is the central focus in the network archtype. Development tasks shape through network ties developed through participation.


A project, development or product require people of all skills and fascination. I believe depending on the project or the time in a project the change and shift in a teams behaviour will be reflective of what is needed. Perhaps the archtypes in this reading are applicable across team lifecycles and stages of a project aswel as at an individual level.

A combination of people and skills is required and a team must foster an environment that allows everyone to participate. We are only as good as our weakest component and the collective is stronger than the individual.

