Week One Done and Dusted

Week One Done and Dusted

So the dust has settled on week one and I can whole heatedly say I am delighted I made the decision to return to education. No doubt as we get in to the course and I get deeper in to the material my feelings will alter but only because I will no longer be looking at the whole picture but instead looking at the amount of work, pressure and stress struggling with the juggling of everything.

The lectures this week have really eased us all in to the course, they have prompted discussion, and thinking, challenged us at points and if I am honest have already from my perspective begun to re-shape the way I think and also view everything. It is making me question things with a much more precise reasoning. That alone will be extremely valuable to me within my career working with clients and customers alike.

It is still early doors yet but I have begun to change and tweak things I do myself and I have begun to restructure how I approach University, learning and my engagement with the course.

The Process

My over all process of ensuring I get to University early and leave myself sufficient time before class starts is something I will ensure to continue doing. It has given me time to settle in, leave work at work and reset my brain to now focus on college work. On my first day I didn't print the class materials and I feel for my classes next week I will pre-print and perhaps read the material before I go in to class. This will allow me to digest the material and content prior to hearing about it for the first time. Additionally this will allow me take notes or comments made against that particular topic which will help contextualise my notes.

As I begin to read the course materials, book and work on assignments I will need to look at my approach to time spent on course work and also down time to ensure I am getting enough rest and sleep to not impact on my day to day work. Right now I am continuing my same routine with adding in additional learning and time without any considerations of potential repercussions

My Learnings

On looking back over the week and starting my masters the overwhelming learning has been that amount of information and knowledge out there and limitations of my own skill set at this point. It has highlighted the importance of team work, understanding and most importantly listening when you have nothing to contribute and taking in what others have said.

I have learnt so much already from my class mates around me and getting their perspectives helps to add value to the content we are learning. While contributing I am going to ensure I focus on my listening, documenting points made, words said and anything else really I dont know about and look them up following the class.

The initial depth of the area as technology and digital we are looking at is like the ocean, it is vast, it is deep, there are areas undiscovered still yet to be found and explore and opportunities to find the new are great and the reward if unknown.


Reflecting on week one, it has been a great decision to head back to university and this will do myself, my development and my career a great deal of benefit.

I am entering an area I know somethings about, but I am learning more through positive, critical and academic conversation. The nice thing about academic discussions is it takes the heat out of it and removed the personal. This allows people to get their points across without the emotion.

As mentioned in 'The Process' above I will look to tweak my process around preparation and this has already transitioned across in to my work.

I seem to be finding so many things my course is showing me that are applicable in my job and life itself.

My understanding and learnings are developing all around me. There are people from all facets of life and industries aswel within my course and it being so many perspectives which adds to the fruitfulness of returning to education.

It takes people of all skills and expertise to create a product and everyone has something to contribute, there is beauty in being an expert but we should always listen to everyone around us because everyone has something to contribute.

The last reflection is the support and good will messages as I undertake this journey has been really warming and I wish to thank everyone for their well wishes and i hope my updates and insight provide some value for you. Whether it is seeing what it is like trying to juggle college and wok or perhaps what it is like returning to college.

Stay tuned for the next post
